
Let's write what microservices means according to the Wikipedia, once again:

Microservices are a software development technique [...] that arranges an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. In a microservices architecture, services are fine-grained and the protocols are lightweight.

Let's take a step back and introduce the notion of component, on Martin Fowler's words:

Our definition is that a component is a unit of software that is independently replaceable and upgradeable.

And he continues:

Microservice architectures will use libraries, but their primary way of componentizing their own software is by breaking down into services. We define libraries as components that are linked into a program and called using in-memory function calls, while services are out-of-process components who communicate with a mechanism such as a web service request, or remote procedure call.

One main reason for using services as components (rather than libraries) is that services are independently deployable.
